Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pathology of Ageing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pathology of Ageing - Essay Example A quality of life of elderly patients depends more on ageing-related disease than solely on chronological characteristics. ‘Natural’ transformations in the status of the organism during the process of ageing, such as the changes in the immune, cardiovascular and endocrine systems (Martin, & Sheaff 2007), occur simultaneously with abnormal pathological processes associated with variety of age-related diseases, such as wear and tear of skin, muscles, and skeleton (Freemon, & Hoyland 2007), cardiovascular system (Greenwald 2007), etc. These two types of changes interact closely in various types of age-related diseases such as hearing loss, noise damage, skin damage, hypertension, increased body mass index, etc. The process of aging is associated with changes in the human brain at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. Although the recent studies have found that loss of neurons in aging persons is more modest than many past studies suggested and is limited to only some neuron populations, the reduction in the size of remaining neurons has been revealed as well as a reduced size of dendritic and axonal arborizations (Esiri 2007). Electrical activities of the brain change notably as the personal growth older. The changes are observed primarily in a rhythm of the brain and they do not depend on the absence or presence of any physical disorders or diseases. Serious cognitive changes are associated with aging. Various cognitive abilities demonstrate different patterns of change over the process of normal aging. (Schaie, 1994). The most common changes occur to reaction time, the overall speed of information processing, and reduction in visuospatial and motor control abilities, memory, and attention, particularly the ability to divide one's attention, to shift focus rapidly, and to deal with complex situations (APA, 2003). Cognitive functions that are better preserved with age include learning, language and vocabulary skills, reasoning, and other skills that rely primarily on

Monday, October 28, 2019

School Violence Essay Example for Free

School Violence Essay Introduction From the many reported and even more unreported events, school violence is seen as a subset of youth violence and a broader health problem. Factors that contribute to school violence are socioeconomic status, family, peers, and mental health. The best way to deal with school violence is to establish physical and social environments that prevent violence and promote safety within schools (Brener 81). There are many different forms of school violence. School violence could be seen as bullying, fighting, weapon use, shootings, stabbings, gang violence, and now growing cyber-bullying. Bullying tends to be the leading cause for school violence. Middle schools have the highest rate of bullying at 43 percent, and 22 percent of high schools have reported ongoing bullying problems in 2005-2006 (Statistics 2). Bullying not only has psychological effects on the victims, but it can affect the bully as well. Bullying can include the following: mocking, rumors, pushing, threats, exclusion, and being forced to do something one does not want to do. School violence occurs in and out of school. The most reported cases of school violence occur on school property. There were 46 percent of schools reporting 20 or more acts of violence on schools grounds. Other forms of school violence occur on the way to or from school and during school-sponsored events. Not only does school violence occur in these areas, but cyber-bullying has also been a big problem in schools lately. Students who are victims of cyber-bullying are more likely to become absent from school or even worse, can lead to several cases of suicide. Bullying Bullying is viewed as a pre-evolution to violence in schools and is common among students in grades six through ten. It is estimated that about ten percent of students are bullied at some point in their lives, six percent have both been bullied and bullied others and thirteen percent admit to SCHOOL VIOLENCE2 bullying others. Bullying is becoming a hot topic in education because of school violence and suicides. Bullying is defined as an act to humiliate another person who is perceived as weaker, or less capable than the bully. The act of humiliation can be anything from physical, verbal or emotional abuse, as well as sexual harassment, which has been categorized under bullying recently (Fried, 1996). The bully is usually a person of dominance over the one being bullied. In girls, dominance is achieved by social status and popularity. In boys, it is achieved by physical qualities such as size and strength. Types of Abuse Physical abuse and bullying includes anything from punching, stabbing, shooting, strangling, and suffocating to poking, hair pulling, and excessive tickling. physical abuse is more common between boys but there are still some girls who bully others using physical abuse. (Winkler, 2005). Violence and aggression among youth has increased a lot in the last twenty years and it begins with physical abuse. This rise in aggression is even more alarming with the higher availability of guns. Instead of using fists and hands more students are using guns and other weapons on both their victims and their bullies. Verbal abuse is the most common form of bullying and there are various forms of this abuse. Verbal abuse is used with an intention to harm another and cause pain, and is used to gain power over another person. (Fried, 1996). In addition, verbal abuse also leaves the victims feeling alone and exposed, and usually escalates, leading to physical consequences. Emotional abuse can reduce a child’s self-confidence to the point where they consider themselves unworthy of respect, friendship, love and protection. This is the most difficult type of abuse to define and diagnose. It can include rejecting, isolating, terrorizing, and corrupting. SCHOOL VIOLENCE3 Sexual abuse is the most complicated, the most difficult to document, and the hardest to address. â€Å"Sexual interactions involving children with peers or younger children are problematic if the relationship is coercive, exploitive, aggressive or threatens the physical or psychological well-being of either participant† (Fried, 1996). Sexual abuse needs two conditions to take place: Sexual activities involving a child and an abusive condition. There are two categories of sexual activities: noncontact and contact sexual abuse. Noncontact abuse includes exhibitionism, voyeurism, verbal sexual propositions or harassment. It can also include sexual notes or pictures, sexual graffiti, making suggestive or sexual gestures, pulling someone’s clothes off, and spreading sexual rumors (Fried, 1996). The conditions of noncontact sexual abuse is sexual activities that occur when there is mutuality, experimentation with sexual language and words in a non-demeaning way, situations when children have equal power and authority, and an absence of coercion or manipulation. Contact sexual abuse is when the other person has a large age or maturational advantage over the child, is in a position of authority, in a caretaking relationship with the child, or the activities are carried out against the child using either force or trickery. What Makes a Bully? Bullies are usually confident and have plenty of self-esteem. They have no difficulty in making friends, and these friends usually share pro-bullying attitudes and problem behaviors. Bullies tend to get in more trouble in school and do poorly in their academics. Often coming from homes where their parents provide little emotional support or involvement, where discipline styles tend to be either extremely permissive or excessively harsh leads to bullying behavior. â€Å"There is a strong relationship between bullying other students at a younger age and being involved in legal and criminal activities later on in life. About 60 percent of people that were surveyed who were SCHOOL VIOLENCE4 considered bullies in sixth through ninth grade had at least one criminal conviction by age 24† (Rimm, 2005). Victims of bullying tend to have social adjustment problems and are more likely to have low self-esteem and feel anxious and insecure. They rarely defend themselves, and male victims are usually physically weaker or smaller than their peers. The most common reason why kids were bullied was that they do not fit in. Children who are bullied may feel anxious, fearful, and have a hard time concentrating on schoolwork. Worrying about being harassed by their peers may also make them afraid to even go to school. â€Å"Researchers have found that adults who were bullied frequently as children had higher levels of depression and lower self-esteem than other adults† (Rimm, 2005). Those who are both bullied and bully others usually have the most serious behavioral and emotional problems. Social isolation, lack of success in school and behavioral problems combined make them a high-risk group. It is most likely that they were bullied first and then imitated the bullying behavior, although it is possible that they bullied first and others later retaliated. They exhibit social-emotional adjustment problems typical of bullies as well as victims which makes it unlikely that they will be resilient enough to adjust to a healthy lifestyle without effective intervention strategies. Middle School Violence Middle school is the period in schooling that comes between elementary and high school. The notion of middle school comes from G. Stanley Hall in 1904 that emphasized the need for an intermediate school. According to Hall, there was an adolescent age that requires its own in-between level of schooling. He defines the childhood period as gradually terminating at the end of the twelfth year, with the transition of adolescence beginning at that point (Coopock, 1974). SCHOOL VIOLENCE5 The background described above is essential in providing reasoning for the increase in violent acts as well as the nature of the violent acts. Middle school is where violent behaviors begin to fester. Just like the middle child in a family, they struggle to fit in. They are too old to fit in with the elementary students and they are not quite old enough to fit in with the high school students. They are battling with hormones associated with puberty and as mentioned above, are starting to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally, which leads to more aggression, sexual frustration and for some, the inability to cope with new social problems. Common Signs of Violence in Middle School Although there are some forms of violence in elementary school, middle school is where the more violent acts begin, where rampage shootings, sexual harassment and or sexual assault and bullying are the most common. Other forms of shootings, stabbings and fights are common throughout a child’s schooling, but as mentioned in the statistics there is a significant increase in the amounts and forms of violence that occur in middle schools. The numbers go from 34 percent which includes rare shootings, name calling, tattling, fighting, stabbing and bullying in the elementary level to 76 percent which more than doubled adding rampage shooting, sexual assault and sexual harassment to the list at the middle school level. Sexual harassment and or sexual assault can be perpetrating by students and administrators. For example, Cleveland’s Wiley Middle School teacher was sentenced to 153 years for sexually harassing and assaulting two middle school students. The effects of assault caused by personnel leaves a bigger scar on these children because the perpetrators are individuals who are supposed to be responsible for protecting the students. Instead, 31 year old Christopher Thomas of Eastlake used his cell phone to call and text inappropriate sayings of a sexual nature with two 14 year old girls from June 2008 until November 2009. One of the girls he sexually assaulted in her home and his cell SCHOOL VIOLENCE6  phone and computer contained nude photos of both girls. During his sentencing, the perpetrator cited that he knew what he was doing was wrong. (website, 2010). Middle High School Violence: Rampage Shootings Most other forms of violence have been described throughout this essay showing the different forms and most of the information provided mainly deals with the problems of urban schools. But contrary to belief, suburban schools encounter school violence of all forms and are particularly known for rampage shootings. Rampage shootings are different from other forms of school violence. For example, these shootings can take place on school campuses before an audience of fellow students; it can involve multiple victims who are often chosen at random and can be carried out by students or former students of the school where they occur. † (Hunnicutt, 2006). For example 14 year old, Michael Carneal of West Paducah, Kentucky, always wore black and was known by his class mates as a Satanist, he went to school on the morning of Dec. 1 1997 and pulled out a 22 caliber handgun and started firing into a praying group of students. He left 3 girls dead and 5 others wounded (Hunnicutt, 2006). Littleton, Colorado is home of the most famous rampage shooting recorded in high school history. The perpetrators were two students who attended Columbine High School, Klebold Dylan and Eric Harris. These two young men, dressed in camouflage, entered the building and began shooting at random. They killed 13 people before killing themselves. The Columbine High School shootings gave the world a picture of one type of violence that is within high schools. School Violence: Urban Suburban Schools Another factor that may influence the occurrence of violence in schools is the number of students that attend a particular high school. There is a large possibility that the relationship of having more students can directly lead to a form of competition and problems becoming more SCHOOL VIOLENCE7 intense. Compared to the 200,000 public elementary and secondary schools in 1940, there were only 65,000 schools in 2005. In those 65 years, the numbers of schools decreased while the U. S. population increased by 70 percent (Quindlen, 2001). A study done by Barker and Gump in 1964 on social functioning size and high school size, recognized that on average, students in smaller schools participate in extracurricular activities twice as much as students who are in larger schools. Another study concluded that smaller high schools sizes had more positive results than larger schools in academic performance, absenteeism, dropout rate, extracurricular activities, sense of community, student satisfaction, social behavior, dropout rate, and parental involvement, regardless of rural or urban settings. Now looking at numbers, â€Å"smaller high schools (enrollment size 400-600) experienced one-eighth the rate of serious crimes (four percent compared to 33 percent), one-tenth the rate of physical attacks with weapons (two percent to 20 percent), and one-third the rate of theft or larceny (18 percent to 68 percent) and vandalism (23 percent to 62 percent)† of that compared to larger high schools (enrollments above 600) (Devoe et al. , 2002). The rates of schools violence tend to mirror the behavior of the general population. Community violence in the inner cities is more of a problem than in rural areas, with rampage shootings being the exception. This helps partially prove that community violence has a direct influence on the children. Much research today suggests that violence is a learned behavior, so children acting out in violent or aggressive ways may have learned the violence from adults in their community. Early intervention may be the best way to prevent this type of behavior. Making the environment safe is the most important thing a community can do. Schools have adopted a zero tolerance policy against school violence which helps prevent violent acts of behavior. Conclusion SCHOOL VIOLENCE8 There are three recommendations from Dessel’s article that can be drawn to inform future practice in education and future research in public school settings. First, increased attention must be paid to the constructs of public school culture and climate. Second, changing school culture and climate specifically involves teacher education. Third, future research must improve and explore the barriers to implementing programs. As Zirkel and Cantor (2004) state, in 1954 people were not asking whether schools would welcome and nurture African American children and adapt the curriculum to be inclusive, but were only starting to open the doors. Today, the doors must not only swing wide open, but all children must be welcomed with acceptance, celebration of differences and acknowledgement of the contribution of diversity, for the benefit of everyone (Dessel, 2010). Bibliography Coopock, N. (1974). iddle Schools School leadership digest. In N. Coppock, Middle Schools School leadership digest (pp.1-42). Arlington: National Association of Elementary Principal. Fried, S. Fried, P. (1996). Bullies Victims. New York: M. Evans and Company, Inc. Hunnicutt, S. (2006). School Shootings. In S. Hunnicutt, School Shootings (pp. 1-102). San Diego : Thomas Gale. Kaiser, D. A. (2005). School Shootings, High School Size, and Neurobiological Considerations. Journal of Neurotherapy, 9(3), 101-115. doi:10. 1300/J184v09n03. 07 Logue, J. N. (2008, January). Violent Death in American Schools in the 21st Century: Reflections Following the 2006 Amish School Shootings. Journal of School Health. pp. 58-61. doi:10. 1111/j. 1746-1561. 2007. 00267. x. Mayer, M. J. , Leone, P. E. (2007). School Violence and Disruption Revisited: Equity and Safety in the School House. Focus on Exceptional Children, 40(1), 1-28. Rimm. S. (2005). Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret World of America’s Middle Schoolers. New York: Rodale, Inc. Stein, N. (2007). Bullying, Harassment and Violence Among Students. In , Radical Teacher (pp. 30-35). Radical Teacher. Website. (2010, November 17). 19ActionNews. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from E:\Teacher convicted of sex acts sentenced to 153-years in prison 19 Action NewsCleveland, OHBreaking News, Weather, Exclusives. mht: E:\Teacher convicted of sex acts sentenced to 153-years in prison 19 Action NewsCleveland, OHBreaking News, Weather, Exclusives. mht. Werle, G. D. (2006). Taking Steps to Promote Safer Schools. Journal of School Health, 76(4), 156-158. doi:10. 1111/j. 1746-1561. 2006. 00087. x Winkler, K. (2005). Bullying: How to Deal with Taunting, Teasing, and Tormenting. Berkley Heights: Enslow Publishers, Inc.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

human trafficking Essay -- essays research papers

human trafficking issues: the article starts out with a clear emphasis on the cooperation between the different segments of society; cooperation between the state, civil society , and religious groups and institutions on the issues of human trafficking and prostitution, stating how they are immoral, illegal, unethical and how they should be considered as a taboo by societies in Europe, especially Cyprus since the exploitation of women has been rapidly increasing recently. Where all the 800bars and 70 cabarets take advantage of uneducated, poor, unlucky and socially corrupted women at the cost of reasons such as profit and pleasure, which may seem as lame reasons when compared to the life and future of a young woman. The article also states that some of these women, coming from countries such as Romania, Russia. Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus enter Cyprus unaware of what is included in their job descriptions, and are forced into prostitution by traffickers, which is humanly unacceptable and shoul d without a doubt be banned from societies regardless of what kind of profit they may bring to the traffickers and to the public even as a whole. The article does mention trafficking in different manners and types, but I chose to pay bigger attention to the issues regarding prostitution here in Cyprus. As I would like to make a clear emphasis on how this issue relates directly to the issue of poverty. The article mentions a few solutions agreed upon by the state, th...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech †Reasons I Admire the Groom -- Wedding Toasts

Humorous Wedding Speech – Reasons I Admire the Groom Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - I’m not an experienced public speaker, so I find it easier just to read the speech word for word. In fact, I’ve practiced it almost daily for about a week and a half now, so that I know it very well. It’s a tip that I read in a book about public speaking. I’ve also been drinking profusely to help calm my pre-speech nerves. I made that tip up myself. Laughter Yes, I am a little nervous about being the best man. But I am more bothered with the title of 'best man'. Saying that I'm the best man is saying quite a bit. If I'm the best man, why is Maria marrying Karl? So I'm just happy saying that I am a pretty good man, because today Karl is the best man. And he’s a man I admire for the following reasons: 1) His generous nature – what with him donating his body to science when he started at ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motivational Approach

Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort's ability to satisfy some individual needs (Robbins, 168). For some business analysts, employee motivation is a good way to increase productivity in an organization. When people get motivated, they will have a reason to put more efforts on what they are doing. Motivation is a crucial management tool in lifting the organization's work force's ability. There are many different ways to motivate employees. Employers can motivate their workers as individuals, groups, teams, or the organization as a whole. Motivation takes forms like offering rewards, improving working conditions, or employee recognition. However, which approach should employers try? Team-based reward systems have been raised as an issue in work management areas. Many people prefer team-based reward systems to an individual approach. San Diego Business Journal, issued on Oct. 6, 1997, published an article titled â€Å"Team-Based Productivity Incentive System.† This article summarized the ideas that supported the team-based approach. The author, Bob Harrington, opposed the individual reward system. As he stated, individual reward systems create unnecessary competition and reduce cooperation between employees. It also reduces creativity because employees will only do what is necessary to get rewarded. Moreover, Harrington said team-based incentives influence individuals to work well together and cooperate with one another. No longer are employees and management measured purely against financial information. Instead, outstanding performance is based on a combination of items that measure the strategic objectives of the corporation. This paper will see if the team-based incentive systems are the best approach for business environments as Harrington discussed. Medical insurance and educational opportunities, among others are all common benefits in compensation programs for many manufacturers. Many people argued that these benefits attract and retain employees, but have little to do with work performance. Some also believe that if these benefits are spread out among workers in general, these kinds of work incentives will not guarantee good performance. Well Pay vs. Sick Pay is an example of how an incentive program reinforces wrong behavior and reduces productivity. Manufacturers with incentive systems that reward employees for achievements and growth can increase their competitiveness and profitability in today's global market. Yes, it is true that organizations need to have incentive systems to satisfy their work force. Team-based incentive systems such as gain sharing, profit sharing, etc., become increasingly popular in work environments. People now are required to work as a team, and altogether help each other to achieve an objective. Your work is my work, and your responsibility is mine. People will become more cohesive as working in a group or a team. Team-based incentives offer several advantages. However, I do not totally agree with Harrington that individual incentive systems do not have any good influence over workers' performance. Some people are extremely successful when they work on their own. People, who are raised in an individualistic culture, might not benefit from working in a group. So, individual incentive systems do play an important role in increasing a work force's productivity as long as the employers know how to use this reinforcement system properly. If organizations set a standard to measure individual achievement and reward that individual on what he (she) perform, then, the individual incentive system might work as well as the team-based one. Moreover, managers need to realize that team-based incentive systems might cause Social Loafing effect in the work force – the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually (Robbins, 260). Motivations are necessary in a working environment to increase the productivity of the work force. Reward systems must create a win-win situation for employees and employers. Team-based incentive systems might work very well and are a preferred process for many organizations in today's work market; however, managers should adopt individual incentive systems in many cases, when employees are more skillful, efficient, and effective as working individually. The major purpose of the incentive system is to motivate and organize employees.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Robert venturi essays

Robert venturi essays Allen Art Museum Addition Commentary "Pink granite and red sandstone cladding were used to create a decorative facade that plays composite elements against the whole in a reinterpretation of the main building's character. Venturi says: 'we tried to harmonize with his masterpiece in ways not too obvious.' "The long 'International Style' strip windows of the school and workshop wing make for an uninteresting facade, as the architects themselves acknowledge, since it was intended to simulate loft buildings that house studios for artists and to please the occupants by not infringing on their creativity by an excess of architectural zeal." "A house constructed for a young couple who wanted to house their collection of Pop Art paintings and Art Deco objects and accommodate their growing family. The site is 30 acres, serenely beautiful, flat, open and lightly wooded. The gallery serves for general circulation, upstairs and down, for occasional formal dining, and incidentally for some of the big paintings in the collection; but its main purpose is to create spaciousness inside. "The south elevation has a contrapuntal rhythm of doors and windows recalling a plain Georgian country house, but the green glazed brick in two shades makes a bold Op Art/Art Deco pattern. In contrast, the other side of the house, unpatterned, has a central motif and a more complex rhythm of openings with a bigger scale to reflect its greater height and the large inside spaces. "Venturi's first important project to be built was his mother's house, the Vanna Venturi House of 1961-1964. Disarmingly simple after the spatial antics of later Modernism, its plan, like that of the Beach House project, is based on a symbolic conception rather than upon one that is purely spatially abstract. It is centered on the idea of the chimney, the hearth, from which- and you can feel it-the space is pulled. The space is distended from that hearth as the mass of the chimney ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Reformation

The Reformation The Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was a major 16th-century religious revolution, which ended the ecclesiastical supremacy of the pope in Western Christendom. Thus, resulting in the establishment of the Protestant churches. With the Renaissance proceeding and the French Revolution that followed, the Reformation completely altered the medieval way of life in Western Europe and initiated the era of modern history. Although the movement dates from the early 16th century, when Martin Luther first defied the authority of the church, the conditions that led to his revolutionary stand had existed for hundreds of years and had complex doctrinal, political, economic, and cultural elements. Conditions Preceding Reformation From the Revival of the Holy Roman Empire by Von Bizmark in 962, popes and emperors had been engaged in a continuous contest for supremacy. This conflict had generally resulted in victory for the papal side, but created bitter antagonism between Rome and the Germ an Empire; this antagonism was augmented in the 14th and 15th centuries by the further development of German nationalist sentiment. Resentment against papal taxation and against submission to ecclesiastical officials of the distant and foreign papacy was manifested in other countries of Europe. In England, the beginning of the movement toward ultimate independence from papal jurisdiction was the enactment of the statutes of Mortmain in 1279, Provisors in 1351, and Praemunire in 1393. These statutes greatly reduced the power of the church to withdraw land from the control of the civil government, to make appointments to ecclesiastical offices, and to exercise judicial authority. The 14th-century English reformer John Wycliffe boldly attacked the papacy itself, striking at the sale of indulgences, pilgrimages, the excessive veneration of saints, and the moral and intellectual standards of ordained priests. To reach the common people, he transl... Free Essays on Reformation Free Essays on Reformation The Reformation The Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was a major 16th-century religious revolution, which ended the ecclesiastical supremacy of the pope in Western Christendom. Thus, resulting in the establishment of the Protestant churches. With the Renaissance proceeding and the French Revolution that followed, the Reformation completely altered the medieval way of life in Western Europe and initiated the era of modern history. Although the movement dates from the early 16th century, when Martin Luther first defied the authority of the church, the conditions that led to his revolutionary stand had existed for hundreds of years and had complex doctrinal, political, economic, and cultural elements. Conditions Preceding Reformation From the Revival of the Holy Roman Empire by Von Bizmark in 962, popes and emperors had been engaged in a continuous contest for supremacy. This conflict had generally resulted in victory for the papal side, but created bitter antagonism between Rome and the Germ an Empire; this antagonism was augmented in the 14th and 15th centuries by the further development of German nationalist sentiment. Resentment against papal taxation and against submission to ecclesiastical officials of the distant and foreign papacy was manifested in other countries of Europe. In England, the beginning of the movement toward ultimate independence from papal jurisdiction was the enactment of the statutes of Mortmain in 1279, Provisors in 1351, and Praemunire in 1393. These statutes greatly reduced the power of the church to withdraw land from the control of the civil government, to make appointments to ecclesiastical offices, and to exercise judicial authority. The 14th-century English reformer John Wycliffe boldly attacked the papacy itself, striking at the sale of indulgences, pilgrimages, the excessive veneration of saints, and the moral and intellectual standards of ordained priests. To reach the common people, he transl...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Raising Minimun Wage Essays

Raising Minimun Wage Essays Raising Minimun Wage Essay Raising Minimun Wage Essay Intro: People of the middle class all know that the minimum wage of $7.25 is not sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. There is considerable evidence to show that the current generations comfortable lifestyles require a more luxurious price for standard living. The cost of living over the years has dramatically increased due to high consumer demands of products. As that being said, $7.25 is just not enough for a happy lifestyle, food, and the bills. There are many jobs that dislike or just cant afford paying high wages. Therefore, many employers hire less to save money. This causes a non-sufficient pay rate for comfortable living and high unemployment rates.The cabinets full of little to no food and small sized rooms full of multiple beds are what I see. The not so well put together houses in poor communities are full of kids and roommates. Living with cousins, aunts, and uncles are the norm here. We all have to share beds and one bathroom. Dinners are prepared every night as a necessity but other than that breakfast and lunch were to be eaten at school because its hard to afford all that food for everyone at home. The struggles of just being able to pay the bills, buy shoes, and clothes are the issues that are rising in the middle class with the inflation and taxes.Middle class families are defined more by their aspirations than their income.Body:Body 1: (The cost of living over the years has dramatically increased due to high consumer demands of products. )For many families in the middle class thats how life starts out; but later in life generations grow up to realize that they need to become part of the working middle class to provide a sufficient lifestyle. Now a days though, its always about buying the trendiest thing, name brands, and getting a discount for EVERYTHING! Things like that cause for a higher demand of standard living. The social needs [continues]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week 8 discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week 8 discussion - Essay Example As such, the relevant parties had to ensure that the test they use fulfils the student’s language requirements. Indeed, FAIR does an astute job for K-2 students because it covers all language requirements according to the VPK Florida Education standards. As earlier mentioned, language is the foundation for all other learning in children. The high illiteracy standards for ELL students among other factors necessitates that they get special attention even when formulating tests. That said, the summary given on the slides regarding strategies for teaching English Language Learners (ELL) students is very crucial as it highlights the core of ELL requirements not only in view f language but also in other subjects. The K-2 test has numerous benefits aside from being valid and reliable. It also creates a forum upon which educators revise curricular objectives and, therefore, ensure that they cover all the students needs. The fact that testing occurs three times a year allows educators to test the success of previous objectives. In addition, the one-to-one strategy allows for identification of unique and subjective discrepancies that would otherwise fall through both cracks. However, I believe that educators should pair this test with a form of continuous assessment to analyze the progress of students in natural â€Å"non-test†

Friday, October 18, 2019

Metropolis Police Department Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Metropolis Police Department - Term Paper Example According to the discussion, the city mayor and the elite council members plan to fire the chief. The person is thinking about the responsibilities aligned in the job that will be offered. The stakeholders are intensely affected of the malpractices of the current police department. People would not trust the cops because of the latter’s unethical conducts. The possibility of replacement for the current chief is truly tangible owing to his mismanagement, but the risk is on the interim or next chief who will be implementing more changes in force and sustain credence of the minority groups. The court should investigate the atrocity of the current administration, and once the court has proven the malpractices of the police department, the department needs to be renewed. The greatest challenge for the court is to order an extensive revision of the police force staffing. It has been said that discriminations arise from the chief that criticized African-Americans, women, and Hispanic s; therefore, it is best implicated to hire forty percent of blacks and Hispanic surnamed-Americans and ten percent women in order to desist the race, nationality, and sex discrimination happening in the state. The attitudes of key staffing in the police force are the optimum significant ingredients in identifying the level of entity compliance with public regulation, and the extent to this freedom is exercised in the staffing process. Environmental elements include demography, behavior of the domestic community, and the domestic government support for assertive action. The state should uphold the greater notion of the necessity for equal employment opportunity for both men and women.

Art History of Egyptian Painting Style Term Paper

Art History of Egyptian Painting Style - Term Paper Example In the Justinian mosaic, King Justinian is seen to be wearing the same imperial robes as Jesus Christ. The point of the mosaic is to evidently depict Justinian as Christ's envoy on earth, and to show him as a creditable successor to Constantine. This depicts his power both in the State as well as the Church. Justinian is seen in the main altar of the church, the most holy part, further depicting his authority. Justinian, thus, exercises his power over the priest, perhaps even signifying his holiness, which is seen through the halo. Giotto’s works exhibited a different spirit of realism. He broke away from Byzantine art.   His was a more personal and realistic way of viewing a painting. His concern was more human emotion and dramatic art. To make the latter more effective, Giotto placed his figures in space more practically conceived than painters before him. Also, he used shadows more efficiently to generate a sense of the figures. In the Madonna Enthroned Giotto produced depth by layering the attendant angels, with the angels in the fore blocking the vision of the angels behind. Leonardo’s stylistic innovations are more apparent in The Last Supper, in which he re-fashioned a conventional theme in a completely new way. He groups the apostles in units of three framing Christ in the center. Christ is calm while the others are gesturing animatedly. Through the weightiness of the figures and the magnitude of the scene, Leonardo da Vinci reintroduced a style founded a generation earlier by Masaccio. The Mona Lisa, easily Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous work, is known for the mastery of technical innovations as well as the mysteriousness of its celebrated smiling subject. Sfumato and chiaroscuro are evident here. Leonardo da Vinci is a master of both. Sfumato (smoked) is a deftly atmospheric haze or effect produced by delicate transitions between areas of color. This technique is particularly evident in the delicate gauzy robes worn by the subject and in her mysterious smile. Chiaroscuro (light and dark) is the skill of modeling and defining forms by the use of contrasts between shadow and light.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency Research Paper

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency response capabilities and how will this technology impact or improve future emergency response operations) - Research Paper Example The software development process is focused on developing methods to generate high resolution fused data studies to create three-dimensional product view among other features for correct forecasting, generating accurate weather alerts, which is just one of the various features of software development. The future promises new technological improvements on emergency communication in the times of disaster. Technological advancements also offer new challenges to apply new innovations in the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) programs. The ongoing communication programs need to be revised for assimilating future additions of modern technology. Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) has always played a leading part in the overall security of the nation’s 18 important infrastructure divisions under Homeland Security President Directive-7 (HSPD-7). CS&C is behind all the government communications programs related to priority services such as GETS, which is a White House initiated emergency telecommunications service, offering communications support to all government and non-government missions Emergencies are not a new phenomenon in the contemporary as well as the previous world. Everyone existing in any part of world has experienced, witnessed or heard of these detrimental phenomenona. Emergencies result due to uncertain disasters that threaten to ruin lives of human beings. Emergencies are never desired or planed by human beings, but occur unfortunately. Even if human beings do not plan or desire emergencies, they sometimes by mistake contribute to the occurrence of the demise within their respective societies. Emergencies due to human mistakes results from wars either civil or political, environmental pollution and setting of impractical policies destined at bettering security and food safety. Natural emergencies occur due to uncontrolled natural calamities like earthquakes, storms,

Leadership Concepts Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Concepts - Case Study Example Organizational climate has a crucial impact on company’s performance and profitability. The main features of positive climate are the absence of pressure; involvement; management support and co-worker cohesion (Sims 2002, p. 45). Following Johnson and Johnstone (2005): â€Å"an organizational climate encourages and rewards workaholic behaviors, then workaholics are likely to develop and flourish. When high pressure and long working hours are the norms, individuals are likely to work longer hours in order to succeed† (p. 181). Moral influence personal attitude of GeneOne employees and their perception of the work and the company. It is possible to say that Don Ruiz, John Kirby and Susan Wells establish a strong corporate culture and healthy climate which help them to motivate and inspire employees. A positive climate increases productivity and efficiency. In many cases, Board Members of GeneOne use situational leadership to motivate employees and sustain strong culture a nd morale. GeneOne introduced one of the most popular and effective problem-solving techniques: win-win approach. The ‘win-win’ problem-solving skills is a conflict resolution technique which helps to reduce the conflict situations and find the best solution that satisfies the needs of everyone involved. This technique is crucial because today conflict is treated seriously as an important aspect in the proper understanding of orga ¬nizational behavior. â€Å"The ‘win-win’ approach is action-oriented and tailored to suit specific organizational needs, namely conflict resolution†.... It is possible to say that Don Ruiz, John Kirby and Susan Wells establish strong corporate culture and healthy climate which help them to motivate and inspire employees. A positive climate increases productivity and efficiency. In many cases, Board Members of GeneOne use situational leadership to motivate employees and sustain strong culture and morale. Team Problem Solving GeneOne introduced one of the most popular and effective problem solving techniques: win-win approach. The 'win-win' problem solving skills is a conflict resolution technique which helps to reduce the conflict situations and find the best solution that satisfies the needs of everyone involved. This technique is crucial because today conflict is treated seriously as an important aspect in the proper understanding of organizational behavior. "The 'win-win' approach is action-oriented and tailored to suit specific organizational needs, namely conflict resolution" (Mcnary 2003, p. 144). By agreeing at the outset the objectives against which a proposed resolution would be assessed, the decision-making is far easier. Clearly if the parties can agree on mutual objectives then the problem is far easier to resolve than if they have conflicting objectless and personal agendas. This approach is based on participative leadership which helps GeneOne teams to avoid conflicts and find win-win solut ions in the shortest period of time. Organizational Coaching In GeneOne, coaching helps to improve performance of employees and a team. Effective coaching assists job performance and training methods. According to Parsloe and Wray (2000) "coaching is a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve" (p, 45 cited Sims 2002, p. 56). Effective

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency Research Paper

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency response capabilities and how will this technology impact or improve future emergency response operations) - Research Paper Example The software development process is focused on developing methods to generate high resolution fused data studies to create three-dimensional product view among other features for correct forecasting, generating accurate weather alerts, which is just one of the various features of software development. The future promises new technological improvements on emergency communication in the times of disaster. Technological advancements also offer new challenges to apply new innovations in the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) programs. The ongoing communication programs need to be revised for assimilating future additions of modern technology. Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) has always played a leading part in the overall security of the nation’s 18 important infrastructure divisions under Homeland Security President Directive-7 (HSPD-7). CS&C is behind all the government communications programs related to priority services such as GETS, which is a White House initiated emergency telecommunications service, offering communications support to all government and non-government missions Emergencies are not a new phenomenon in the contemporary as well as the previous world. Everyone existing in any part of world has experienced, witnessed or heard of these detrimental phenomenona. Emergencies result due to uncertain disasters that threaten to ruin lives of human beings. Emergencies are never desired or planed by human beings, but occur unfortunately. Even if human beings do not plan or desire emergencies, they sometimes by mistake contribute to the occurrence of the demise within their respective societies. Emergencies due to human mistakes results from wars either civil or political, environmental pollution and setting of impractical policies destined at bettering security and food safety. Natural emergencies occur due to uncontrolled natural calamities like earthquakes, storms,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human resource Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human resource - Research Paper Example I aspire to grow professionally in my career, and have a position in the top management in a renowned firm. In order to achieve that and do justice with my responsibilities as a manager, I need to take a detailed course of Human Resource Development. This would acquaint me with the necessary skills and competencies required to motivate the workforce to take active participation in the education and training programs in the workplace, and gain maximum benefit from them. The purpose of studying the course of Human Resource Development at the Indiana State University is that it inculcates the necessary knowledge in the students to pursue careers in academia or industry. The Human Resource Development program offered at the Indiana State University is designed in such a way so as to ensure that I develop skills and competences in the design, formulation, implementation, promotion, and analysis of the system of hiring the employees and their further grooming through continued education and training in the workplace. One of the most fundamental factors that provides the Indiana State University with an edge over other universities when it comes to studying the Human Resource Development is that as a student, one can complete one’s degree along with other responsibilities as tough as a full-time employment. I am among the students who have to earn to pay the fee. In the present age, it is hard to find a job. So leaving a job can be very risky. In order to advance my academic career along with job, it is important that I maintain my current job, and taking the Master Program in Human Resource Development at the Indiana State University helps me achieve that. The Indiana State University provides the students with an opportunity to do an occupational internship where they can gain practical work experience. This appeals to me a lot as I can avail this opportunity without having to leave my

Causation and Correlation Essay Example for Free

Causation and Correlation Essay Causation and Correlation Paper The topic I am going to pick is â€Å"Wealthy people are thin†. This could go both ways I am thinking. Wealthy people have the means to stay thin. They have money, resources, and the means to keep there health in check. If you’re poor or not wealthy you basically have to eat or cook what ever is cheap and some healthy foods are not cheap. For these reasons I think the correlation for this topic could be a good one or a bad one, it just depends on what your economic status is and what you can or can’t afford. I think if I had to pick one or the other out of causation and correlation I think this topic is more causation. The reasoning for my selection is that if you are wealthy you have more options to stay thin. So for this being wealthy can cause one to stay thin. Another reason why wealthy people are more able to stay thin over less wealthier people is because like I have mentioned food is expensive and the foods they might need to get you might have to travel or go to special stores. Another way this is causation is because wealthy people can also afford personal trainers or even a gym membership along with weight loss doctors to stay on track. For all these reasons they cause wealthier people to stay thin. Reference: Causation and Correlation in this weeks materials.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Domestic Violence Within The Military Social Work Essay

Domestic Violence Within The Military Social Work Essay Understanding family violence in the military is an important concern because of the unique stresses faced by military families on a daily basis that could place them at greater risk for family dysfunction. Long separations, such as Deployment to war, can create a stressful lifestyle for military families. In the mid to late 1990s advocates and activists, were able to persuade policy makers that domestic violence constituted a social problem specifically for the military. American foreign policy has resulted in the deployment of U.S. military personnel to nations around the world, providing servicemen opportunities to meet and socialize with local women. Immigrant status keeps many women from seeking help or leaving the abusive relationship, fearing they cant ask for help and deportation. The servicemen tried to prevent their immigrant wives from gaining independence or leaving the marriage. The militarys approach to prevent, identify and intervene with domestic violence relies heavi ly on the Family Advocacy Program (FAP). Introduction Family violence may be more common in the military population compared to the civilian population because of higher overall stress levels associated with the military lifestyle (e.g., frequent separations, long work hours, dangerous work environment, etc.). Long separations, such as Deployment to war, can create a stressful lifestyle for military families. Studies have proven long deployments increase the chances of returning with combat trauma, as a result heightens the risk of domestic violence (Rentz et al., 2006). Understanding family violence in the military is an important concern because of the unique stresses faced by military families on a daily basis that could place them at greater risk for family dysfunction. Members of the armed forces are often required to relocate to another city, state, or country, often resulting in a disruption to family life. They also tend to work long hours and are subject to extended separations in the form of schooling, temporary assignments, or deployment, all of which may interfere with family obligations (Alvarez Sontiag, 2008). Domestic Violence in the Military: The History The Department of Defense has taken a clear stance against family violence. In 1981, Department of Defense Directive 6400.1 required each branch of military service (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps) to establish (a) a Family Advocacy Program to prevent and treat child maltreatment and spouse abuse and (b) a confidential central registry to collect and analyze Family Advocacy Program data (Department of Defense, 2004). It is unclear whether or not family violence would be more common among military families than among civilian families. Family violence may be more common in the military population compared to the civilian population because of higher overall stress levels associated with the military lifestyle (e.g., frequent separations, long work hours, dangerous work environment, etc.). Soldiers are subject to deployments and relocations that can often lead to a separation from peers and community support networks. Frequent and extensive separations may have a profound impact on marriages, particularly those of short duration, because they present a window of opportunity for the spouse left behind to explore independence and develop other relationships. For those relocated to installations located outside of the continental United States, social and cultural isolation is fairly common (Rentz et al., 2006). There is an increasing number of active duty military (ADM) women, like their civilian counterparts, at risk for domestic violence (DV). This study illustrates active duty military womens attitudes and choices concerning the militarys policy on domestic violence. 474 ADM women from all services were interviewed via telephone. Nineteen of whom had experienced DV during their military service (Gielen et al., 2006). During the study, ADM women were afraid if they were to report domestic violence it would jeopardize their job. In fact, a higher proportion of military women thought regular screening would intensify future abuse (Gielen et al., 2006). This may be related to the military context in which there is mandatory reporting and a lack of confidentiality. United States Military Culture Gender-based violence, such as sexual harassment, rape, and domestic violence, is a global phenomenon that occurs among military families and within military communities, during peace time and in time of war. A number of researchers and activists have argued that military culture, shared norms, for example, regarding masculinity, sexuality, violence, and women, is conducive to rape and sexual harassment, as well as domestic violence (Adelman, 2003). In the United States, however, it was not until the mid to late 1990s that advocates and activists, working both within and outside of the military, were able to persuade policy makers that domestic violence constituted a social problem specifically for the military. Widespread media coverage of military-generated sexual harassment and sexual assault scandals as well as reporting of high rates of domestic violence in the U.S. military in Time magazines and 60 Minutess motivated the Department of Defense to address domestic violence in the military (Adelman, 2003). Civilian advocates for battered women as well as military personnel warn that domestic violence harms servicewomen and civilian women (and their children) who are married to military servicemen. It also has been argued that domestic violence goes against the institutional values of the military and negatively affects military readiness (Adelman, 2003). These include creation of a task force, strengthening of reporting protocols, enhancement of the Family Advocacy Program, and encouragement to create public notice between civilian and military authorities. Military policies regarding domestic violence diverge from civilian approaches in several significant ways. What constitutes a criminal violation, for example, and who substantiates a complaint of domestic violence conform to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, n.d.). Privacy and confidentiality are not guaranteed within the military system, which mandates the reporting to unit commanders of suspected cases of domestic violence regarding personnel under their supervision. Military responses to domestic violence differ most clearly from civilian, state-based responses in that the social control mechanism doubles as the offenders employer. In the United States, the military or the military base constitutes a relatively isolated and autonomous social and legal entity that produces and is governed by its own language, norms, and laws. This reflects the idealized distance and legal division between military and civilian life in the United States, and as a result, studies of domestic violence in the U.S. military are based on a separation between the civil and the military, making it difficult to conduct comprehensive or comparative research. Orders of protection obtained in a civilian court, for example, may not be enforced within the federal jurisdiction of a military base and vice versa. Much of the concern with and research on military culture and relationships between military culture and domestic violence have been generated in the United States or in countries that host U.S. military bases, due to a number of high-profile cases of sexual harassment, rape, and domestic homicide in the U.S. military (Adelman, 2003). Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence Although the Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence (DTFDV) has made a serious attempt to address many of the concerns related to domestic violence in the military, its analysis of battering is highly flawed in key sections of the report. As a result, the report includes inappropriate recommendations for interventions and remedies. Battering is described as an individual, clinical problem in the section on training of military officers and the section on offender accountability. No attention is given to the societal attitudes and belief systems that support such violence and no distinctions are made between normal marital disputes and the pattern of power and control that characterizes domestic violence (DOD, 2004; Rosenthal McDonald, 2003). The DTFDV report strongly recommends that training be provided to military officers and presents information that should be included in such training. However, there is a troublesome emphasis within this information on anger management as a remedy in some domestic violence cases. The information states that anger management classes should only be utilized in low level emotional maltreatment cases where there has been no physical violence. Classifying any domestic violence case as low level is problematic and indicates confusion about the dynamics of this specific pattern of behavior. Domestic violence is not about everyday arguments and irritabilities between couples. The pattern of behavior that is generally defined as domestic violence involves coercive, intimidating, frightening, and controlling behavior by one partner toward another. Situations in which such a pattern is present generally involve not only emotional maltreatment but also threats of violence that can quickly escala te into physical abuse (Rosenthal McDonald, 2003). Reports of Parental Spousal Violence In the military, family violence directly jeopardizes the familys financial security. A battered wife often protects the military husband against legal proceedings initiated by the military. The military also may be more likely to protect officers accused of spousal violence as compared to enlisted soldiers. Studies indicate that children can accurately report on spousal violence. In the military, 95% of spousal violence occurs in the home and 43% of victims report that children witness the abuse. The study demonstrated that there was as general trend for more spousal violence in the military families with slapping, throwing objects, and an overall measure of violence distinguishing between the military and civilian groups. These differences persisted even when controlling for ethnic background and military rank. Spousal violence was significantly higher in commissioned officers as compared to enlisted personnel. The current study does not address whether the military environment contributes to increased spousal violence or whether individuals prone to abusive behavior are more likely to join the military (Cronin, 1995). Immigration and Domestic Violence Each year, hundreds of thousands of women enter the United States as a spouse of a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, coming to the United States with significant disadvantages in social status and resources compared with their male partners. Women whose immigrant status is attached to their husbands U.S. citizenship enjoy somewhat greater legal protection than do undocumented immigrant women, but they too are vulnerable due to the structure of immigration law (MSCFV, n.d.). Immigrant status keeps many women from seeking help from abuse or leaving the abusive relationship. Undocumented women fear that if they ask for help, the health or social service provider will turn them in for deportation. However, even battered immigrant women with legal immigrant status feel vulnerable to deportation should they seek help. Asian and Latino immigrant women with spousal visas tied to their abusers also report that fears of deportation maintain their involvement with their batterer (Erez Bach, 2003). The United States is considered a nation of immigrants. Nevertheless, who is allowed to legally immigrate has varied over time. U.S. immigration and naturalization laws have shaped the resulting immigrant pool in terms of gender, race or nationality, sexual orientation, and marital status. Subsequent changes in immigration policy, including an amnesty initiative in the mid-1980s, led to heterosexual family reunification and an increase in the numbers of women and children who migrated to the United States. Such gendered and sexualized patterns reflect how immigration and naturalization law serves to police the purported moral as well as political boundaries of the nation. These immigration laws affect why, when, how, and with whom women immigrate and their experiences of domestic violence subsequent to arrival in the United States (Erez, Adelman, Gregory, 2009; Raj Silverman, 2002). Some women reported that the increase in emotional, sexual, and physical abuse coincided with immigration-specific activities such as entering the country, filing immigration papers, or accessing social welfare systems. The majority of women who came with their spouses reported that the transition and move to the United States altered the dynamics of the relationship: He has had more power to manipulate in the U.S. because I am illegal and depended on him and I didnt have any rights here (Erez et al., 2009). Although law is not intentionally gender biased, one that creates a status-marriage dependency, such as immigration law, makes immigrant women more vulnerable to the domestic violence power dynamic. Military Brides American foreign policy has resulted in the deployment of U.S. military personnel to nations around the world, providing servicemen opportunities to meet and socialize with local women. Some members of the Armed Forces stationed overseas form intimate which they are deployed, making these women military brides, namely, foreign-born women who marry U.S. military personnel. For instance, the deployment of U.S. troops in Asian countries has resulted in more than 200,000 Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, and Filipino women marrying U.S. service members and immigrating to the United States since World War II. On arrival in this country, military brides become immigrants and are subject to U.S. immigration laws, which generally give, with few exceptions, a spouse (or parent) control over the immigration status of their dependents (Erez Bach, 2003). The servicemen tried to prevent their immigrant wives from gaining independence or leaving the marriage. Some husbands prohibited the women from looking for employment. One woman stated that the violence occurred while she was on the telephone discussing a job. Another woman noted that she could only work when her abuser was out of the house. Attempts by the women to take some actions to stop the abuse also triggered violence: [Violence occurred] following meetings with an attorney or military officials (Erez Bach, 2003). Without exception, the women interviewed reported that their husbands (or fiancà © in one case) used their immigration status as a weapon against them. The abuse tactics included threats to report them to immigration authorities, to inform the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) about presumed law violations, to take away the children, or to deport the women (Erez Bach, 2003). Without any close family or friends nearby, the women did not have any semblance of the social and cultural support networks that are available to other military wives. The immigrant women could not travel home, nor could they call or communicate with relatives or friends. They were not familiar with the civilian community around them and did not have the benefit of an immigrant community to turn to for support or advice. Without the presence of family, friends, or community, the isolation and powerlessness intensified (Raj Silverman, 2002). Lack of language skills increases immigrant womens isolation, precludes access to information, and further limits their employment prospects. In responding to domestic violence in the military, special attention should be paid to women whose circumstances involve multiple vulnerabilities, such as military brides. Marital ties of immigrant women to abusive men combine military and immigration-related abuse and dependency, whether real or perceived. The study demonstrates that immigration status can become an additional weapon in the arsenal of abusive military partners. As immigrant women are often not aware of or informed about legal protections and available services, 10 immigration-related abuses can become an effective tool of control and domination. In light of the large number of intimate partnerships formed between American military personnel stationed abroad and foreign-born women, the abuse potential inherent in such relationships warrants special attention by the military in its efforts to address domestic violence (Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence, 2002). It is important to remind all who work with battered women and immigrant communities that we must do what is necessary to improve the lives of battered immigrant women and their children. Members of immigrant communities, battered womens advocates, researchers, policy makers, and most importantly, battered immigrant women must collaborate in designing these efforts. Defense Departments Family Advocacy Program The Department of Defense created a Family Advocacy Program (FAP), providing victims with resources that would help get to safety and back on their feet. The program is available on each military base, and consists of coordinated efforts designed to prevent, identify, report and treat all aspects of child abuse and neglect, and domestic abuse. Each base also has a victims advocate who work with the units FAP (DOD, 2004). Licensed counselors, psychologists and social workers make up the military victim advocate. They are knowledgeable about the process military personnel and their families can take to address domestic violence. They also have available a list of resources, therapists, and shelters that will assist victims and their families. Advocates and consultants work with the victim, advising the individual of available options (DOD, 2004). Commanding officers are ultimately responsible for maintaining good order and discipline among military personnel. Although all the Military Services provide training to assist commanding officers in understanding their roles and responsibilities related to command, the curricula and duration vary by Service. Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 6400.1 mandates that the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) office notify a service members commanding officer when an act of abuse has allegedly occurred. The directive mandates the education and training of key personnel on policy and effective measures to alleviate problems associated with child and spouse abuse. The directive, however, does not define key personnel (Klimp Tucker, 2001). The services have implemented this policy in varying ways, to include everything from individual briefings with commanding officers once they have assumed command positions on an installation to a group training format. The Army provides specific instructions on briefing commanding officers via Army Regulation 608-18, the Army FAP. The Navys guidance is outlines on OPNAVINST 1752.2A, FAP, noting that commanding officers shall ensure that the command is trained on the identification and prevention of family violence, reporting requirements, and command, community, and FAP response awareness as regular professional development training (Klimp Tucker, 2001). The Air Force provides guidance in Air Force Instruction 40-301, FAP and the Marine Corps provides guidance for commanding officer training in MCOP 1752.3B, Marine Corps FAP Standing Operation. Unit commanders at installations with a family service center should obtain a FAP brief from the FAP manager within 45 days of assuming command (Klimp Tucker, 2001). The Department of Defense does not mandate domestic violence training specifically for military commanding officers. However, the DOD advises the Services to provide education and training for key personnel. Installations vary in their interpretations of the directive, and, as a result, some programs have more depth than others. The militarys approach to prevent, identify and intervene with domestic violence relies heavily on FAP. Given they operate under the guidance of qualified mental health professionals they are readily available to assist those military personnel and their families with their needs. Summary Domestic violence includes but not limited to the willful intimidation, physical assault and battery against an intimate partner or child. It also includes emotionally abusive and controlling behavior that establishes a pattern of dominance and control (NCADV, 2005). Even though domestic violence is never acceptable, mental health professionals know firsthand how the kind of intense stress experienced by military members often leads to abusive behaviors. In the 2008 New York Times article When Strains on Military Families Turn Deadly, the authors state that studies illustrate the relationship between combat experience, trauma, and domestic violence. The article cited a 2006 study which focused on veterans at a Veterans Affairs medical center who sought marital counseling between 1997 and 2003. They found that those with PTSD were significantly more likely to perpetrate violence toward their partner. Studies like these, and reports by those who work with military personnel and their families, have many mental health practitioners, military leaders, and policymakers concerned, and determined to find solutions for countless victims, before its too late. The NYT article mentioned several instances where mental health problems associated with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars led to devastating, deadly homicides, with a service member killing his spouse, or child, and sometimes turning the gun on himself afterwards (Alvarez Sontiag, 2008). Future research is needed that explores family violence in all branches of the military. Studies should also focus on the simultaneous occurrence of child maltreatment and spouse abuse in military families. The civilian and military communities are urged to work toward using common definitions and practices to facilitate comparison of rates among the populations. It is important to further examine service availability and utilization to determine the impact on family violence. References: Adelman, M. (2003). The Military, Militarism and the Militarization of domestic violence. Violence Against Women, 9: 1118-1152. DOI: 10.1177/1077801203255292. Alvarez, L. Sontiag, D. (2008, February 15). When strains on military families turn deadly. The New York Times. Retrieved from Cronin, C. (1995). Adolescent reports of parental spousal violence in Military and civilian families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10: 117-122. DOI: 10.1177/088626095010001008. Department of Defense. (2004). Department of Defense Directive 6400.1. Retrieved from Erez, E. Bach, S. (2003). Immigration, domestic violence, and the military: The case of Military Brides. Violence Against Women, 9: 1093-1117. DOI: 10.1177/1077801203255289. Erez, E., Adelman, M. Gregory, C. (2009). Intersections of immigration and domestic violence: Voices of battered immigrant women. Feminist Criminology, 4: 32-56. DOI: 10.1177/1557085108325413. Gielen, A., Campbell, J., Garza, M. A., OCampo, P., Dienemann, J., Kub, J., Lloyd, D. W. (2006). Domestic Violence in the Military: Womens Policy Preferences and Beliefs Concerning Routine Screening and Mandatory Reporting. Military Medicine, 171(8), 729-735. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Klimp, J. W. Tucker, T.T. (2001). Domestic violence. Arlington, VA: Task Force Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence. (n.d.). Domestic violence immigrant victims. Retrieved from National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (2005). Domestic Violence. Retrieved from Raj, A. Silverman, J. (2002). Violence against immigrant women: The roles of culture, context, and legal immigrant status on intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 8: 367-398. DOI: 10.1177/10778010222183107. Rentz, D.E., Martin, S.L., Gibbs, D.A., Clinton-Sherrod, M. Hardison, J. Marshall, S. (2006). Family violence in the military: A review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, Abuse, 7: 93-108. DOI: 10.1177/1524838005285916. Rosenthal, L. McDonald, S. (2003). Seeking justice: A review of the second report of the defense task force on domestic violence. Violence Against Women, 9: 1153-1161. DOI: 10.1177/1077801203255549. Uniform Code of Military Justice. (n.d.) Retrieved from Part II: A Reflection Piece The Family Justice Center Abstract The Family Justice Center (FJC) is just that, a multi-agency service center for victims of family violence and their children. FJC is comprised of multiple community partners. With my legal background interning with the legal network was the best fit. My role consisted of screening domestic violence (DV) victims, assisting in the process of obtaining a temporary restraining order (TRO) and providing court support. As a certified paralegal and currently studying forensic psychology I am finding it somewhat difficult to overstep my boundaries in performing dual roles. The most challenging policy to adhere is the qualifications for obtaining a TRO. It is difficult to determine what qualification constitutes someone as being qualified for a TRO. Does a victim have to get beaten before applying for a TRO? At what point do we justify what qualifies? One of the laws that we do follow is the Dr. Jackie Campbells Danger Assessment. The Danger Assessment (DA) was originally developed by Co-Inv estigator Campbell with consultation and content validity support from battered women, shelter workers, law enforcement officials, and other clinical experts on battering. As every multi-disciplinary team is unique, it is important to be aware of strategies to address challenges related to working in multi-disciplinary teams. Whether it is defining roles, setting boundaries, or ensuring all team members can contribute equally, strategies like these can help multi-disciplinary teams address challenges they often encounter. Introduction There are many forensic psychology settings in which forensic psychology professionals may work. Forensic psychology professionals may work with offenders in the courts, in prisons, in halfway houses, or in community settings. Forensic psychology professionals may also work with crime victims in settings such as domestic violence shelters. There are many reasons why I chose the forensic psychology setting I did for my field experience. The Family Justice Center The Family Justice Center (FJC) focuses on creating a network nationally and internationally minimizing family violence. The center also provides, training, consultation and host conferences. The FJC is comprised of multiple professionals and services such as a military liaison, mental health services, a law enforcement department, and a legal department. The FJC is just that, a multi-agency service center for victims of family violence and their children. This center offers children with close working relationships, shared training and technical assistance, collaborative learning processes, and coordinated funding assistance (FJC, 2009). The FJC legal networks mission statement is to provide convenient and free legal services to victims of domestic violence (FJC, 2009). FJC goes above and beyond their mission statement. They provide additional resources and centers their attention only on the individual client. They provide a child care center for clients with children, a waiting room filled with drinks and snacks is provided as well as small therapy rooms equipped with comfortable sofas. The therapy room is where assessments are conducted for privacy purposes. Roles and Responsibilities FJC is comprised of multiple community partners. With my legal background interning with the legal network was the best fit. My role consisted of screening domestic violence (DV) victims, assisting in the process of obtaining a temporary restraining order (TRO) and providing court support at court hearings. Once the screening is conducted, I consult with my supervising attorney to determine if the client has qualifying elements to proceed with a TRO. To qualify for a TRO through FJC, a client must have one of the following relationships to the person they want restrained: Spouse or former spouse Person with whom you share(d) a living space Have or had a dating/engagement relationship Parents of a child Relative to the second degree (grandparents, but not cousins) The person they wish to have restrained must ALSO have committed one of these acts: Recent physical violence Recent threats of physical violence Harassment Recent sexual assault or molestation Stalking Verbal abuse (only when very severe) (FJC, 2009). Ethical Issues The FJC takes every precaution to follow all ethical codes set upon all professionals within the organization. As I mentioned before the FJC is comprised of various professionals such as detectives, counselors/psychologists and attorneys. Each professional has its own ethical codes to follow. The legal department follows same ethical codes related to confidentiality and release of information (APA, 2010: Ethical Standard Code 4; AP-LS, 2008: Specialty Guideline 10). Each client is required to go through two screenings before they move forward with the legal department. A psychologist screens them and if there are visible injuries, the client is seen by a forensic medical examiner. At this time, a release authorization form of the photos is signed by client. This gives the organization permission to use the photos as evidence for court hearings. Each client is required to sign a confidentiality agreement form prior to meeting with the legal department. As stated above the organization is also comprised of police officers and detectives. Police officers and detectives have their own ethical codes to follow. At times a client would arrive and would also like to file a police report. At the moment the client is allowed to file a report. At no time can the psychologist or attorney be present during this time. If a third party was present during this time, the third party is entitled to testify in court as a witness for the criminal case. It can get pretty complicated. I ran into this problem when assisting with the client that was a detective. As a certified paralegal and currently studying forensic psychology I found it somewhat difficult not to overstep my boundaries in performing dual roles (APA, 2010: Ethical Standard Code 3; AP-LS, 2008: Specialty Guidelines 6). Part of my responsibility prior to assisting with the TRO I have to screen them to determine if they have enough evidence to move forward with a TRO. Sometimes I find myself steering towards a psychological assessment only to remember that Im screening for legal purposes. Legal Issues With the legal field come many laws, regulations and procedures. The most challenging policy to adhere is the

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays on Picture of Dorian Gray: Tthe Seduction of the Reader :: The Picture of Dorian Gray Essays

The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Seduction of the Reader "To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim," writes Oscar Wilde in the famous preface of his classic novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. One might find it a bit ironic the fact that posterity always has looked upon this book as being more or less an autobiography. Wilde was surrounded by scandals until his death, stirring the strict, Victorian society he lived in with his homosexual bent and libertine views on life. The Picture of Dorian Gray was therefore also regarded by many people as "highly immoral" and has probably earned the title "classic" years after the author's death. With rarely less than two cogent aphorisms per page, it is hard not finding myriads of subtle meanings in the text, why I am only focusing on the main themes I found interesting. The obsession of aestheticism and beauty runs all through the story in a kind of contradictory way. Oscar Wilde states in the preface: "Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope." With this he means that one should not, for example, judge a piece of art on a moral basis; the art is only there for being aesthetically admired and one should only be enchanted with its beauty, not let oneself be misled by a deeper idea behind it. At the same time, he lets his protagonist Dorian Gray suffer the penalty for his narcissistic behaviour by killing him off at the end of the book, giving the reader the opposite message - that beauty after all is nothing to strive for. Also, Wilde lets the painting of Dorian become a symbol of the young man's degeneration, showing very well the immorality of his life through a work of art. It is like Wilde means to tell us that art indeed has its important place among people, and beauty is seducing to the viewer. However it is temporary, dangerous, and powerful enough to spoil the life of a man. One must know how to look upon beauty to be able to love it without succumbing to it. As Oscar Wilde was a confirmed aesthete himself, this conclusion may appear paradoxical, but it should be mentioned that not much in this book is not. Free Essays on Picture of Dorian Gray: Tthe Seduction of the Reader :: The Picture of Dorian Gray Essays The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Seduction of the Reader "To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim," writes Oscar Wilde in the famous preface of his classic novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. One might find it a bit ironic the fact that posterity always has looked upon this book as being more or less an autobiography. Wilde was surrounded by scandals until his death, stirring the strict, Victorian society he lived in with his homosexual bent and libertine views on life. The Picture of Dorian Gray was therefore also regarded by many people as "highly immoral" and has probably earned the title "classic" years after the author's death. With rarely less than two cogent aphorisms per page, it is hard not finding myriads of subtle meanings in the text, why I am only focusing on the main themes I found interesting. The obsession of aestheticism and beauty runs all through the story in a kind of contradictory way. Oscar Wilde states in the preface: "Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope." With this he means that one should not, for example, judge a piece of art on a moral basis; the art is only there for being aesthetically admired and one should only be enchanted with its beauty, not let oneself be misled by a deeper idea behind it. At the same time, he lets his protagonist Dorian Gray suffer the penalty for his narcissistic behaviour by killing him off at the end of the book, giving the reader the opposite message - that beauty after all is nothing to strive for. Also, Wilde lets the painting of Dorian become a symbol of the young man's degeneration, showing very well the immorality of his life through a work of art. It is like Wilde means to tell us that art indeed has its important place among people, and beauty is seducing to the viewer. However it is temporary, dangerous, and powerful enough to spoil the life of a man. One must know how to look upon beauty to be able to love it without succumbing to it. As Oscar Wilde was a confirmed aesthete himself, this conclusion may appear paradoxical, but it should be mentioned that not much in this book is not.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

North Korea and the Nuclear Crisis: The Awkward US-DPRK-ROK Relations E

The recent turn of events in North Korea with its alleged admission to possessing nuclear weapon has created nervous tension in the Far East region. Specifically, North Korea has recently transformed the existing bilateral U.S.-ROK alliance into an awkward triangular ROK-U.S.-DPRK dynamic, significantly complicating the previous bilateral relationships amongst the three as well as making these relationships more difficult to manage. We will trace the development of these relations, to gain a better insight into this long standing conflict and to assess better the future implications surrounding these tensions. Background History of Korea At the turn of the century, Korea was annexed by the neighboring Japan, ending the rule of Korean dynasty and independence. Korea was under Japanese control for 35 years from 1910-1945 and the colonial rule was highly repressive and exploitative. Freedom of speech and press was non-existent, human rights were completely disregarded, farm lands were confiscated under various pretexts, economic and educational opportunities were extremely limited, and Korean workers and peasants alike were exploited under the repressive rule of the Japanese. Japanese surrendered to the Allies on August 15 1945, and the Cairo Declaration of December 1943 issued by the British and US leaders stated that "in due course Korea shall become free and independent". The USSR accepted the Cairo agreement, but proposals made by the USA in 1945 led to the division of Korea into two military zones: the area south of the 38th parallel line under US occupation and the northern area under the Soviet control. In 1948, after some quarrels over the type of state to be established in the Korean Peninsula, the two ... Bibliography Cordesman, Anthony H. â€Å"Is There a Crisis in US and North Korean Relations?† 30 December 2002. Feffer, John. â€Å"Bush Policy Undermines Progress on Korean Peninsula.† Public Policy in Focus. March 2002. Oh, Kongdan. â€Å"Terroism Eclipses the Sunshine Policy: Inter-Korean Relations and the United States.† Asia Society, 2002. Robertson, Jeffrey. â€Å"New Dynamics in U.S.-Korean Relations.† Global Affairs Commentary. 7 January 2003. Robertson, Jeffrey. â€Å"The Anti-American Blowback from Bush’s Korea Policy.† Global Affairs Commentary. January 2003. Shorrock, Tim. â€Å"Roh’s Election Victory and the Widening Gap Between the U.S. and South Korea.† Global Affairs Commentary. 7 January 2003. The Europa world year book. London, England: Europa Publications Limited, 1989. 30th ed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mass Media Effects and Messages Essay

Where would society be without mass media? How would our society evolve with electronic communication? These are important questions. They demand investigation into how our world functions on a daily basis. The answers to these questions tell us how we think, act and feel every day. Without mass media and without mass communication, society would look much different. Every generation had its own leap in technology which dramatically changed the course of human existence. With each technological leap, communication and mass media evolved with it. When broadcast radio became mainstream, households across America gained access to live news and entertainment. When computers became the main source of filing and storing information, government, media, and the general public had a new resource for communication. As technology grew, so did society’s demand and with each new image, debate, journal entry or story, came a new challenge for the media industry. Media and society have a symbiotic relationship. There is the idea that media drives society’s conversation. Can it also be true that society drives the media? Mass media is very powerful. The industry has its finger on the pulse of the world. Twenty-four hour news cycles, readily-accessible entertainment and social media have all greatly affected the psychology of society. There is no better example of this than of body image. In 1991, a study was performed to investigate what young girls and teenagers thought the ideal woman is. This study showed that girls believed the perfect woman is five feet, seven inches tall, 100 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes. (Groesz, Levine & Murnen, 2001) This image may evoke the prototypical Barbie doll. This, of course, is an almost unattainable stature  for most women. How did this philosophy develop and where did adolescent girls attain that image? Is it possible this idea of the ideal woman was perpetuated by peer pressure or school? Yes. However, some of the most egregious purveyors of body image is mass media. This study, performed almost 24 years ago, shows that this has been an evolving problem that continues to go unaddressed. In fact, it can be said that it has gotten worse with the â€Å"age of information†. Today, images of celebrities, pseudo-celebrities and models plague the internet. Photoshopping, airbrushing and other image manipulation methods can seemingly erase any flaw on the human body. It would be obvious to many people that this sort of perversion of the truth would be immensely unethical, but it goes unaddressed or unnoticed to the general population. Magazines sell these images to target markets to which they use to advertise their products. The health, fitness, and cosmetic industries, in turn, stand to profit from portraying what the perfect person should look like. (Groesz, Levine & Murnen, 2001) Mass media also has a great influence on sexuality. Television shows, films and reality television depict a world that is often in direct opposition to reality. In 2005, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation found that seven out of ten television shows depict racy or sexual content. This is almost double the sexual content that was shown only seven years earlier in 1998. (Shiver Jr., 2005) Mass media has a hand in popularizing both phenomenon, but can the chicken or egg theory be applied here? Did society already believe Barbie to be the epitome of perfection? Does the progression of social attitudes make sexual content more acceptable? If the media simply giving society what it wants? Or is the media brainwashing society into its beliefs? Professor Marissa Wagner Oehlhof of Bowling Green University is an instructor in the psychology department and teaches classes on human sexuality. She contributes much of the peer pressure on adolescents to friends, family, but also the media. (Kin g, 2012) â€Å"We live in a sex-saturated society,† she says. Ms. Oehlhof believes the media can affect society. â€Å"People aren’t running out and having sex because TV or radio told them, but rather this media affects our attitude†¦It desensitizes us to what we think and hear, makes it seem more common than it is, like it’s no big  deal.† (King, 2012) If mass media can contribute to society’s psychology about ideas itself, can it also influence politics? New ways of communicating and information-seeking are constructed every day. The wireless world changes everything. Mary Cate Cary of the US News and World Report shows fives way mass media is changing the political atmosphere. First, it is acknowledged that constituents are selective in how they access information. White House Communications Director, Dan Pfeiffer says, â€Å"With the Internet, with YouTube, with TiVo, with cable TV, people are selective viewers now. [They] approach their news consumption the way they approach their iPod: You download the songs you like and listen to them when you want to listen to them.† (Cary, 2010) This kind of technology and society’s embrace of it controls how the media approaches its job. It can also contribute to how politicians and the government create their agenda. Cary also claims the ability to share images and information changes the dynamic of the political atmosphere. She cites President Barack Obama’s penchant for using social media to communicate his message to the masses. (Cary, 2010) Cary also addresses the ability to instantly show approval or disapproval of messages or campaigns through â€Å"thumbing†, â€Å"liking† or â€Å"retweeting†; the capability of connecting with like-minded people; and even making donations to causes. (Cary, 2012) She also points to the American Red Cross, which was able to raise over $8 million for relief efforts for the earthquake in Haiti. (Cary, 2012) All of these examples are ways mass media can change the paradigm for politics. There is also the claim that mass media is biased towards on polit ical party or the other. It is not out of the realm of reality that many newspapers or cable news programs are much more apologetic or favorable to respective political sides. Some even openly admit it. But how much does that sway a vote? Fox News, widely considered to be conservative-leaning, began in 1996 when Rupert Murdoch launched his channel in the United States. A study showed concluded that, in conjunction with the popularity of Fox News, the 2000 Presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, could have tipped the election in Bush’s favor by half a percentage point. (Duflo, 2008) Printed media was shown to be no different. In a study conducted by Yale University researches, gave free subscriptions of newspapers to people living in the Washington D.C. area. Half the participants received a copy of the Washington Post, a Democratic-leaning  publications and the other half were given a copy of the Washington Times, which is historically conservative. Having access to the news through each of these publications upped the likelihood of potential voters by 3.5%. (Duflo, 2008) The study concluded that despite readers of the Washington Post being 11% more likely to vote Democrat, 7% of Washington Times readers were also likely to vote against the Republicans, showing that many voters do not let what they read effect how they cast ballots. (Duflo, 2008) While society may thirst for more and more information, it is also being proven that society has the ability to think critically in regards to that information. However, it does raise a new question. Is it ethical for news organizations to attempt to influence voters? After all, many cable news programs, radio broadcasts and publications are admittedly biased. This admittance shines light on the fact that the information being fed to society is not factual or being delivered in a way that may show favorability to one person or another. It can also shy people away from certain networks o r newspapers that are notoriously biased. A person may automatically dismiss a story from a publication they know to be left or right-leaning. Even though the world may never be free from bias, there are protections put in place to ensure that society will be free from oppressive thought, unethical reporting and intellectual theft. When the Founding Fathers first drafted the Constitution, they reflected on their own experiences in Great Britain. An imperial leader deciding what is best for his people, based soley on his own agenda was something they fought against. The First Amendment ensures no government of the United States oppresses its people’s freedom to think for themselves. It protects United States citizens from the government imparting its own beliefs. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This protection means all people are fee to think, speak and believe how they feel necessary, without government intervention. It is a very important line of the Constitution and a standard to which all other rights, freedoms and protections are borne. The Founders knew that without a free society, there could be no United States of America. Other laws that ensure legal and ethical behavior in media are copyright law and libel. Copyright laws protect intellectual property and creative works. (Vivian, 2011) These laws stretch from books and publications to music, catch phrases, and logos. Copyright laws ensure that proper credit is given to the creator and that profits cannot be made from someone else’s work. It is easy to see how this can be applied to media as lifting work from another party for ratings or financial gain is not just unethical, but also illegal. Libel laws also protect people from being defamed or attacked in ways that can harm a person’s reputation. (Vivian, 2011) False attacks on a person can lead to lawsuits or damages being incurred on the attacking party. Libel laws make sure that accountability is being addressed when going after a particular subject. Almost every right and protection comes with some amount of responsibility. The first amendment does not protect a person from inciting riots, viciously and falsely attacking another person or business or using someone else’s work to better their own. As technology continues to develop, it is even more important to ensure that these regulations on press, media and speech are instilled. Mass media can seem both tangible and intangible. Images, press releases, books, publications, and entertainment are all very visible things. However, media is also fluid, evolving and significantly hinges on the intangibles and the unpredictable forces in our society. With each day that technology grows, the media is already in catch-up mode. When hard-back books became e-books, marketing techniques and accessibility had to change. When music was now played on invisible things files instead of discs, the music industry had to deploy new ways of making albums interesting. The products are all very solid objects, however, the road there is often shrouded in mystery. As a result, mass media and society live and breathe together. Without each other, neither exists. Media affects our society every day, whether it is  through self-image, politics or interests. Society itself puts a demand on media to deliver all of these products. Does the tail wag the dog? That would then force us to decide who is the tail and who is the dog. Cary, M. 2010. 5 Ways New Media Are Changing Politics. The US News & World Report. Accessed on October 18, 2014 Duflo, E. 2008. Does the mass-media have political influence? Vox. Accessed on October 18, 2014. Groesz, L., Levine, M., Murnen, S. March 2001. The Effect of experimental Presentation of Thin Media Images on Body Satisfaction: A Meta-Analytic Review. Department of Psychology. Kenyon College. King, D. 2012. Peers, mass media exposure can influence attitudes on sexual activity. The Big News. Accessed on October 18, 2014. Shiver Jr., J. 2005. Television Awash in Sex, Study Says. Los Angeles Times. Accessed on O ctober 18, 2014. Vivian, J. 2011. The Media of Mass Communication. Tenth Edition. Chapter 16. Pg. 425-436.